segunda-feira, maio 11, 2009

Rockefeller: Internet is "Number One National Hazard"

Por favor, espreitem este link e vejam os vídeos relacionados!

A liberdade de expressão está em causa, como sabemos. Em Portugal, o episódio recente da votação no Parlamento Europeu e ...uma coisa é certa (cada vez mais), a Internet, os blogues são forças poderosas e estão a 'mexer' com os senhores do poder mundial e em particular, com os nossos 'desgovernantes'.

“It's amazing the degree to which the Internet has made the free flow of useful, timely information possible.Which is probably why the powers that be are endlessly searching for ways to "regulate" it (i.e. remove the serious threat it imposes on them.)There's a bill in the Senate right now to make it possible for the government to respond to "threats" by turning off part of all of the Net.” (Brasscheck)Details:

“Create panic, then control
Here's an excerpt from Senator Jay Rockefeller's Cyber Security Bill 773, just introduced into the Senate:"(2) may declare a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network." (Brasscheck)

Mais vídeos:

YouTue - Jay Rockefeller "Internet should have never been ...
YouTube - Rockefeller shutting down Internet - Bills 773 & 778
Jay Rockefeller — Blogs, Pictures, and more on WordPress
Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard”

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